Pastor Sherrie Hadden and Rhema Church Scotland would like to invite you to join with us for our annual Autumn Faith Conference. The conference will take place over the weekend of Friday 03rd to Sunday 05th November 2023.
Our theme for this year’s conference is ‘Build Your Faith In This Present Day’ and the ministry schedule is as follows:
Friday 03rd November: 7.30pm, online via our youtube channel – ScotlandRhema
Saturday 04th November: 9.30am – 1pm (approx.) Rhema Church, Edinburgh
*Please note, there will be a brunch during this meeting. There is no cost for the brunch, however we do ask if you will be attending that you email the church office as soon as possible to register.
Saturday 04th November: 7.30pm, online via our youtube channel – ScotlandRhema
Sunday 05th November: 10am, Sunday Service, Kirkcaldy (also Live Streamed via youtube channel - ScotlandRhema)
12noon, Sunday Service, Edinburgh
We are very pleased and honoured that Pastors Stephen and Diane Sumrall, from the USA will be our guest ministers for the two online meetings on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Pastor Stephen Sumrall is the founder and president of Provident Ministries, Feeding the Nations, and the Senior Pastor of Christ Chapel Church, and has achieved national and international recognition as a humanitarian, leader, and pastor. Pastor Steve grew up on the mission field and has lived in Israel, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, ministering alongside his father, Dr Lester Sumrall. He has taken relief to the hungry and hurting in over 75 nations and has met with many heads of state.
Pastors Steve and Diane were married in 1978 and have five children and nine grandchildren.
Pastor Steve has a balanced approach to ministry with an emphasis on steadfast faith in a rapidly changing world. Pastor Diane loves music and sings and leads with the Worship team.
The vision both Pastors Stephen and Diane share is a mandate from God to bring hope and life-changing help to those in need and to minister with compassion the love of Jesus Christ to all. Together with their family, they endeavour to tell the world that He lives!
All the meetings are open to all, and we would like to invite you to join with us for our ‘Autumn Faith Conference, where we can be built up and stirred through the uncompromising Word of God to stay strong, with active faith in this present day.
Pastor Sherrie Hadden, the staff and congregations of Rhema Scotland invite you to join with us as we host well known dynamic evangelist Dr. Jesse Duplantis. The meeting will take place on Friday 28th June 2024, at 7.30pm at 1 Dean Bridge, Queensferry Road, Edinburgh, EH4 3AS (Doors open at 6.30pm). Read more...
We here at Rhema Church Scotland, are looking forward eagerly and expectantly to our annual Faith Conference, which this year is called ‘Faith Alive 2020’ and is taking place through the weekend of Friday 13th – Sunday 15th November 2020. Read more...
Pastor Sherrie Hadden, the staff and congregations of Rhema Scotland invite you to join with us as we host well known dynamic evangelist Dr. Jesse Duplantis and Pastor Cathy DuplantisRead more...
Jesus is the Reason for the Season! - Christmas time is a special time of the year for us as believers and we as a church endeavour to reach those who may be facing a less happy time than some of us. This year itself has been a difficult time for many and there are some who are not looking at Christmas as a time for joy or laughter. Read more...
Isaiah 9:6 “Unto us a child is born and a Son is given!” JESUS is the true reason for this Christmas season, and it is only through Him that we have received a new life and a new way of living. Read more...