Revs. Drs. Peter & Sherrie Hadden

Born and raised in Scotland, Peter, Sherrie & Peter Junior emigrated to South Africa in 1976.

Peter devoted his energies into his new construction business, becoming an integral part of the local community and Sherrie advanced her career within the Banking & Finance sector whilst teaching dancing (Highland, Ballet, Tap) to local children in the community.

It was during this period of their lives that the family committed their lives to Jesus Christ.

After graduating from Rhema Bible Training Centre, they returned to Scotland to fulfill the call of God on their lives; establishing ‘Rhema Scotland’, a ground breaking work in 1982.

The ministry grew rapidly by founding churches in both Edinburgh & Kirkcaldy, developing a Bible College, Missions Programme, Youth and Children ministry and reaching out both locally and internationally.

Both Pastors Peter & Sherrie became internationally recognised speakers in much demand. Having spoken at conventions, events and local churches throughout the world. They have been instrumental in carrying out God’s work throughout Portugal, Malawi, Zambia, Uganda, Nigeria, Bulgaria, Romania, U.S.A. and South Africa.

Pastor Peter returns home

It was announced with honour & respect for a great man of God, yet with much sadness, the passing of our pastor, Rev. Dr. Peter Hadden, from this life into Glory on 6th November 2008.

Although we will miss our Pastor, Shepherd and ‘Father of the Faith’, we are thankful for his obedience to the call of God and his impact on our lives. His influence has touched the lives of countless people around the globe and the fruit of his labour of love is beyond measure.

The ministry continues with the Rev. Pastor Sherrie, his beloved wife, fulfilling their vision for Scotland.

  Sunday Services

10.00am - Rhema Church, Kirkcaldy

Church Online: 10.00am - (via Youtube channel - Scotland Rhema)

12 noon - Rhema Church, Edinburgh

Supporting God's Work  

If the Lord is leading you to support His work through Rhema Scotland, please use the button below to bless His ministry with whatever amount He has placed in your heart.

God bless you.

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