Isaiah 9:6 “Unto us a child is born and a Son is given!” JESUS is the true reason for this Christmas season, and it is only through Him that we have received a new life and a new way of living.
With all the activity and preparation going on throughout the world at this time of year, people shopping, parties and the usual Christmas hustle and bustle, we can so easily forget the true meaning of Christmas and Who Christmas is truly about.
Amongst, all the activities and preparation we need to take the time to celebrate the birth of our Saviour and Lord – Jesus Christ – and to praise and worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
In the midst of your busyness, always remember that Jesus is the real reason for your Christmas celebrations and give Him first place in your festivities.
Here at Rhema Scotland, we have several activities and celebrations happening through the month of December for all our age ranges, all with the emphasis of celebrating our King and Saviour – Jesus Christ. This year our events include parties for the children and youth, Diadems Ladies luncheon, Encourage Men’s Fellowship and of course our Christmas celebration night and Christmas Day Service. We are also looking with purpose to a New Year and are celebrating this coming year of 2023 with a Celebration evening, and a New Year’s Day Service. With all of this activity within the Church, there is so much for all the family to enjoy here at Rhema this December, and we invite you to come along and join in with us as part of your celebrations.
Friday 23rd December 7.30pm Christmas Celebration, Edinburgh (including praise, scripture, carols, food, and fellowship)
Sunday 25th December 10.00am Christmas Day Service, Kirkcaldy
Saturday 31st December 8.00pm New Year Celebration, Edinburgh (Food and fellowship begin at 7.00pm)
Saturday 31st December 11.30pm Bringing in the New Year with Prayer & Communion - Online (If you would like to join in with this online event, please contact the church office by email)
Sunday 01st January 2023 10.00am New Year’s Day Service, Kirkcaldy
We have also throughout the year been extending the Christian hand of friendship and love by reaching the hungry and we are very aware that this year has been and still is, hard for many and at this Christmas time there are those who may not be seeing it with excitement and joy. We at Rhema like to make that extra effort to stretch out the hand of Jesus to them with our Christmas Hampers. We look to bless families and homes via schools in the local areas, reaching out to them allowing them to feel loved, and cared for at this Christmas time.
We are looking forward to another exciting Christmas season and another opportunity to enjoy with our brothers and sisters in Christ the fun and festivities of celebrating the birth of our Saviour and King – Jesus!
Pastor Sherrie Hadden and the staff of Rhema Church Scotland would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy, Blessed, and Prosperous 2023!
Pastor Sherrie Hadden and the staff of Rhema Church Scotland would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy, Blessed, and Prosperous 2024!Read more...
You are invited to join with us for our Autumn Faith Conference which is being held over the weekend of 5th – 7th November 2021.Read more...
We invite you to come along and join with us, here at Rhema Scotland as we enjoy the ministry of Reverend Cathy Duplantis at 10.00am on Friday 24th May 2019. Read more...
Pastor Sherrie Hadden, the staff and congregations of Rhema Scotland invite you to join with us as we host well known dynamic evangelist Dr. Jesse Duplantis and Pastor Cathy DuplantisRead more...
Pastor Sherrie Hadden and the staff of Rhema Church Scotland would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy, Blessed, and Prosperous New Year 2025!Read more...