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'Your Life Is In God's Hands'

Rhema Church ScotlandDecember 01, 2016
Group of Ladies sitting around tables listening to the minister

Last evening – 30th November 2016 saw the women’s ministry of Rhema Scotland – DIADEMS meet together for a wonderful evening of ministry and fellowship.

The evening began with a short exhortation from Pastor Sherrie Hadden, who read from Philippians 4. We then enjoyed a time of praise and worship before the Word was ministered.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Reverend Barbara Ivie, who ministered and blessed the women with an uplifting message on ‘Your Life In God’s Hands’. She shared how “God wants us to feed our spirits on Truth – which establishes, stabilises, activates His power in and through you and brings you into perpetual increase” and how “your life will be a PRIZE to you because you have built your life on and put your trust in TRUTH” Jeremiah 39:18

The entire evening was from start to finish an excellent time and a great opportunity for the women to come together to inspire and stir each other up in their Faith.

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10.00am - Rhema Church, Kirkcaldy

Church Online: 10.00am - (via Youtube channel - Scotland Rhema)

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'Empowering' Prayer n Fast 2025  

Prayer Sessions

Wednesday 08th January 2025 

7pm to 9pm 

Rhema Church, Kirkcaldy and online via Zoom

Thursday 09th January 2025:

8pm to 9pm

Online via Zoom

Friday 10th January 2025:

Late Night Prayer, begins at 8pm

Rhema Church, Edinburgh (in the upper room)

(For more information, please contact the office by email)

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