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'Great Faith and Miracles'

Rhema Church ScotlandNovember 01, 2016
Three men standing talking

Last Friday – 28th October 2016, saw the men’s ministry of Rhema Scotland – Encourage come together for their monthly fellowship.

The men who attended were inspired in their walk with God with teachings on ‘Great Faith’- looking at the centurion with his sick servant and also on Miracles and Nehemiah.

This ministry from the word along with the time of praise, worship, prayer, testimonies and the delicious foods that were served ensured the evening for the men was a great time of encouragement and fellowship.

The next monthly fellowship will be on Friday 25th November 2016.

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  Sunday Services

10.00am - Rhema Church, Kirkcaldy

Church Online: 10.00am - (via Youtube channel - Scotland Rhema)

12 noon - Rhema Church, Edinburgh

'Empowering' Prayer n Fast 2025  

Prayer Sessions

Wednesday 08th January 2025 

7pm to 9pm 

Rhema Church, Kirkcaldy and online via Zoom

Thursday 09th January 2025:

8pm to 9pm

Online via Zoom

Friday 10th January 2025:

Late Night Prayer, begins at 8pm

Rhema Church, Edinburgh (in the upper room)

(For more information, please contact the office by email)

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God bless you.

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