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Covenant Faith Conference

Rhema ScotlandOctober 07, 2024
Pastor Sherrie Hadden

Rhema Church Scotland and Pastor Sherrie Hadden extend an invitation to you to join with us for our ‘Covenant Faith’ conference, the weekend of Friday 18th – Sunday 20th October 2024

The guest speakers for the conference will be Pastors Stephen and Diane Sumrall from the USA.

Pastors Stephen and Diane SumrallPastor Stephen Sumrall is the founder and president of Provident Ministries, Feeding the Nations, and the Senior Pastor of Christ Chapel Church, and has achieved national and international recognition as a humanitarian, leader, and pastor. Pastor Steve grew up on the mission field and has lived in Israel, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, ministering alongside his father, Dr Lester Sumrall. He has taken relief to the hungry and hurting in over 75 nations and has met with many heads of state.

Pastor Stephen has a balanced approach to ministry with an emphasis on steadfast faith in a rapidly changing world. Pastor Diane loves music and sings and leads with the Worship team.

The vision both Pastors Stephen and Diane share is a mandate from God to bring hope and life-changing help to those in need and to minister with compassion the love of Jesus Christ to all. Together with their family, they endeavour to tell the world that He lives!

The schedule for the conference is as follows:

Friday 18th October 2024: 7.30pm, Rhema Church, Kirkcaldy

Saturday 19th October 2024: 10am, Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Queensferry Crossing, North Queensferry, KY11 1HP

Sunday 20th October 2024: 12noon, Rhema Church, Edinburgh (There will no morning service in Kirkcaldy on Sunday 20th)

*If you would like to attend the Saturday morning teaching sessions, please email the church office to register your name(s).

**If you are interested in attending the Service in Edinburgh on Sunday 20th October, there will be a minibus available, which will be  departing from the church in Kirkcaldy at 10.30am. If you would like to make use of this transportation, please email the office to reserve your seat. (The minibus will start it’s return journey to the Kirkcaldy church immediately after the service has concluded.

All are welcome to all the meetings, and we look forward to seeing you at our Covenant Faith conference!

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  Sunday Services

10.00am - Rhema Church, Kirkcaldy

Church Online: 10.00am - (via Youtube channel - Scotland Rhema)

12 noon - Rhema Church, Edinburgh

'Empowering' Prayer n Fast 2025  

Prayer Sessions

Wednesday 08th January 2025 

7pm to 9pm 

Rhema Church, Kirkcaldy and online via Zoom

Thursday 09th January 2025:

8pm to 9pm

Online via Zoom

Friday 10th January 2025:

Late Night Prayer, begins at 8pm

Rhema Church, Edinburgh (in the upper room)

(For more information, please contact the office by email)

  Supporting God's Work

If the Lord is leading you to support His work through Rhema Scotland, please use the button below to bless His ministry with whatever amount He has placed in your heart.

God bless you.

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