You are invited to come and enjoy the ministry of Tom Inglis.
Tom Inglis
Thursday 05th September 2024
7.30pm, Rhema Church, Edinburgh
Tom is recognised by many as an apostle of worship who carries a prophetic word that is fresh and relevant for the church today. He has travelled across the world teaching the message of ‘worship as a lifestyle’ and is considered by many as a pioneer in the area. Those who hear Tom speak on the subject recognise the prophetic anointing and authority he carries for worship. His passion is to help raise up a generation of worshipers and believes this will be one of the greatest hallmarks of the end-time church.
For More Information on the ministry of Tom Inglis:
We invite you to come along and join with us, here at Rhema Scotland as we enjoy the ministry of Reverend Cathy Duplantis at 10.00am on Friday 24th May 2019. Read more...
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Pastor Sherrie Hadden, the staff and congregations of Rhema Scotland invite you to join with us as we host well known dynamic evangelist Dr. Jesse Duplantis and Pastor Cathy DuplantisRead more...