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International Celebration

Rhema Church ScotlandAugust 15, 2016
Flags of different nations

On Sunday 11th September 2016, we, here at Rhema Church Scotland, are excited to be hosting our International Celebration - a multicultural service which takes place annually.

The Annual International Celebration is a coming together of many nationals from throughout the world. With all the colour of traditional clothing that is worn, the opportunity to try some of the different foods from all the nations represented and with lively music and a guest speaker ministering the Word of God, this event is always an exciting and energetic evening. With people talking, singing, dancing and Praising the Lord - a wonderful evening!

The guest speaker for this year's celebration will be Pastor Paul Croft. Pastor Paul grew up in the country of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), in Southern Africa, where he gave his life to Christ at the age of 12 at an African tent crusade. In 1978 Pastor Paul went to Bible College in America where he trained for ministry. In 1980 he returned to Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and spent 5 years pastoring, teaching and evangelising.

In 1985 he was married to his wife Cindy and they moved to the UK and began ministering in Cleveleys near Blackpool, England. They started the 'Word of Faith Centre', now called 'Cleveleys Christian Centre'. Pastor Paul encourages people to come to Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit fulfil their destiny in Christ.

Everyone is warmly welcomed to come along to this Annual Celebration, which begins at 5pm in our Edinburgh branch. Hope to see you there!

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